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Ditton's Paddle Boarding

Paddle Boarding Club

Ditton's Paddle Boarding
Paddle Boarding


Where we operate

Paddle the Thames from Thames Ditton

Paddle the Thames from Thames Ditton

About Us

Dittons Paddle Boarding is a “Not for Profit”, volunteer led, Community Club. We have been affiliated to British Canoeing since 2018.

We offer paddle boarding lessons for complete beginners and those who want to improve their skills. Our aim is to expand the sport of paddle boarding, encourage all abilities and communities to get involved and explore the waterways around them in South West London and Surrey. We are a community of like minded, fun and adventurous paddlers.

Generally, four students to a Coach and a Wrangler who helps with relaying the coaching and makes sure everyone is safe. Safety and Fun are the watch words for our sessions. We and you to go away from out sessions having learnt to control a paddle board, stand-up and learn the rules of the river and how to keep yourself safe.

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